CPA Leadership Forum Attendance Grant - Member Support Fund (MSF)

To offer financial support to allow one or more members of the MPA Board of Directors to attend the CPA Leadership Forum.


  • Must be a member of the CPA
  • Must be a member of the MPA Board of Directors


  • The application for funding must be submitted elctronically on the form below and nclude:

1.  An estimated expense breakdown including the estimated cost for registration, transportation and accommodations
2.  Disclosure of any other confirmed or anticipated funding and
3.  The amount of funding requested from the CPA Leadership Forum Attendance Grant.

  • All applications will be reviewed by the selection committee which will include the President, one other Board member, and one MPA member at large. The selection committee will be chosen at the discretion of the President. All members of the selection committee must be non-applicants.
  • The maximum amount for this award is $2000. If there are multiple applicants, the selection committee may consider dividing the award. Each grant will be a minimum of $500 and a maximum of $1500.
  • The amount awarded cannot exceed an individual’s expenses.
  • Preference will be given to:

1. First time attendees to the CPA Leadership Forum
2. Executive Committee members (in the order of preference for president-elect/past president, treasurer, secretary, treasurer-elect)
3. Those in their second term on the MPA Board of Directors
4. Those with the largest number of membership years

  • Deadline for application is July 15
  • Deadline for notification of successful applicants is August 15
  • The grant winner will be given a copy of the Reimbursement Policy and MPA Expense Submission Form to apply for re-imbursement in the amount of the award upon their return from the Leadership Forum. The applicant must submit the MPA Expense Submission form to the MPA office by December 1

Nomination for the CPA Leadership Forum Attendance Grant - Member Support Fund (MSF)
