Advertising Opportunities

Manitoba Physiotherapy Association Advertising

Employment and  Business Opportunities, and Professional Development Courses

MPA offers advertising space for available jobs and courses, based on the amount of time the ad appears on the website, newsletter or e-blast.

·         MPA website advertising:                                          

                                                                             Members                            Non-Members

4 weeks                                                            $100.00                                 $125.00

8 weeks                                                            $150.00                                 $175.00

12 weeks                                                         $200.00                                 $250.00

To add a ad Newsletter                              $40.00                                   $50.00

To add a ad E-blast                                        $40.00                                   $50.00

                                                                                                      Rates (plus GST)                                                                                     

·         MPA either the Digital Newsletter or E-blast advertising:

                                                                              Members                            Non-Members

One banner ad (with a link)                   $60.00                                   $80.00

                                                                                                                        Rates (plus GST) 

Pricing updated as of January 1, 2024


a.   To purchase ads, please, email your request to with the following:

ü  A concise ad description in a paragraph of up to 100 words.

ü  Detailed information in a Word or PDF document (length not restricted).

ü  Any graphics such as your company logo in high resolution (JPG or PNG format) and any photos you wish MPA to include in the ad.


b.   The digital newsletter is published eight times a year and it is distributed via email to our members. Additionally, it is accessible in the Members Only section of MPA's website.


c.    The e-blast is distributed weekly to MPA's member database, including owners and administrators of private practice clinics.


d.   All ads will be accompanied by a standard disclaimer stating: "This is a paid advertisement. Questions and concerns should be directed to the advertiser.”

e.    MPA website advertising longer than four weeks will receive prominent placement on MPA's Instagram social media platform. Furthermore, these ads will appear on MPA Instagram stories once a week for four weeks, all at no extra cost. Please send us your instagram account to tag your clinic. 


To purchase advertising:

·         An invoice detailing the advertising costs will be generated upon receipt of your confirmation email.


·         Payments can be made through the following methods:

ü  E-transfer to

ü  Master Card or Visa by phone at (204) 925-5701 or 1-877-925-5701.

ü  Cheques should be made payable to Manitoba Physiotherapy Association, 145 Pacific Ave, Winnipeg, R3B 2Z6.

       Receipts will be issued upon payment.


If you have further questions, please contact us