Do I need a referral from my doctor?

No. The Physiotherapy Act identifies physiotherapists as “primary care providers.” As such, anyone seeking physiotherapy services can do so without a doctor’s referral.

Yes. A few insurance companies require a doctor’s referral to pay for the physiotherapy services. You may be requested to provide a referral for hospital physiotherapy.

Who pays for physiotherapy services?

Manitoba Health pays for physiotherapy services provided through hospitals.

Private insurance coverage varies depending on your workplace plan. Employee Health care benefit plans pay for service provided at a private physiotherapy clinic.

Individuals who do not have third party coverage or whose insurance has run out can visit a private physiotherapy clinic and pay for the service themselves. It is important to discuss payment requirements with your physiotherapist.

Manitoba Public Insurance and Workers’ Compensation Board pay for physiotherapy rehabilitation services related to motor vehicle and workplace related injuries respectively. For more information, contact Manitoba Public Insurance or the Workers’ Compensation Board.

Is there a provincial fee schedule for treatment in a private clinic?

No. Private physiotherapy clinics are privately owned and can establish the rates according to the services offered. The Manitoba Physiotherapy Association periodically surveys clinics to maintain information on the ranges in Manitoba. You can obtain the rates by contacting our office.

The survey is sent to insurance companies annually.

How do I get to see a physiotherapist?

If you choose a privately owned clinic, you will have to make an appointment. Go to Find a Physio to find a facility close to your home or work. The Find a Physiotherapist link allows you to search for a location by region of Winnipeg or sections of the province or by physical condition. You should be able to obtain an appointment within days.

For treatment at a hospital as an outpatient:

Within the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority (WRHA)

Publicly funded Adult Outpatient Physiotherapy is available at the Health Sciences Center for a select list of clinical conditions. Referrals can be faxed to (204) 787-1034 to determine eligibility, or call (204) 787-2203 with any inquiries.

Referrals for pediatric (0 to 17 years of age) outpatient physiotherapy services in Winnipeg should be sent to the Specialized Services for Children & Youth Central Intake at: CK227-840 Sherbrook Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3A 1S1

Outside Winnipeg

Publicly funded outpatient physiotherapy services are offered at many rural hospitals, but the frequency of physiotherapy service may be limited. A referral should be sent to the closest hospital with physiotherapy services. You will be triaged and informed of the wait time expectation.

What can I do if I have a complaint about the physiotherapy care that I am receiving?

Addressing the issue of complaints is the responsibility of the College of Physiotherapists of Manitoba. They can advise on the process but will require your written statement as a minimum. For assistance contact the College at 204-287-8502 or go to their website at manitobaphysio.com

Can a physiotherapist treat in my home?

Yes. Certain physiotherapy businesses provide rehabilitation services if you are unable to attend a clinic. These services can be covered by third party insurance. Go to Find a Physio and search for 'Home Therapy.'

Can I arrange for physiotherapy in a Personal Care facility?

Yes, contact a business providing ‘Home therapy’ as listed in the Find a Physiotherapist section of this website. The business will make arrangements with the care facility.