Rehabilitation Assistants Membership Award

To provide financial support for up to 2 Rehabilitation Assistants to become members of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association (CPA), the Manitoba Physiotherapy Association (MPA), and up to 3 CPA Divisions for 1 year.


  • The applicant must be currently practicing full or part time as a Rehabilitation Assistant in Manitoba
  • The applicant must be eligible for membership with the Canadian Physiotherapy Association. This includes having completed the Canadian Physiotherapy Association’s approved Observed Performance Criteria Process OR having completed an education program accredited by the Occupational Therapist Assistant and Physiotherapist Assistant education Accreditation Program.
  • There is no maximum number of times that a single applicant may be awarded this funding.
  •  Disbursement of this award will be subject to budgetary approval by the MPA Executive Committee.


  • If required, invite your supervising physiotherapist to complete the Canadian Physiotherapy Association Observed Performance Criteria Form.
  •  The selection committee will be made up of the Awards Committee Chair, either the Past-President or President-Elect, and one other board member.
  • Preference will be given to those who have not received this award in the past.
  • In cases where all applicants are considered equal in meeting the criteria, the selection committee will take into account the responses to the application form item: “state 2 reasons why you would like to receive this award.”
  • Deadline for application is August 15
  • The successful applicant will be notified by September 15
  • The successful applicant will be reimbursed for their registration fees by the MPA office. The timing for disbursement of funds will be done on an individual basis and may be arranged prior to member registration.

Nomination for the Rehabilitation Assistants Membership Award

Home Address:

Work Address:

What is your preferred method of contact?*
What is your preferred place of contact?*
Did you graduate from a Physiotherapy or Rehabilitation Assistant School?*
Was this school accredited at the time of your graduation?*
Have you received funding from this grant in the past?*
