Physiotherapists supporting Manitobans with disabilities
December 2022
Most people know someone in their life who is affected by a disability in some way.

Physiotherapy and Your Joint Replacement
November 2022
Total knee and hip replacement surgeries are becoming more common in our aging population. The leading cause for needing a joint replacement is due to osteoarthritis (degeneration due to chemical and physical changes)in your hip or knee joint.

Returning to Work, How Physiotherapists can Help
September 2022
Returning to work after an illness, surgical procedure, motor vehicle accident, workplace injury or a slip and fall at home can be challenging and sometimes scary for many people

Putting Your Best Foot Forward
July 2022
All too often we take for granted pain-free movement and activity. Anyone who has experienced acute pain or chronic heel pain knows that pain-free movement is not something to be taken for granted.

June 2022
Chances are when you hear the word "Physiotherapy" the first part that comes to mind may be a knee, or a shoulder, or perhaps the low back. But physiotherapy for the ear?

Cancer Recovery with Physiotherapy
April 2022
Cancer touches all of us. Someone you know -

Long Covid and Rehabilitation
March 2022
After COVID-19 infection, most people will start to feel better within a few weeks.

Confidence and Competence
February 2022
As with anything, practice leads to mastery...