Leonore Saunders Mentorship Award

Nominations for 2025 now closed.

The award recognizes physiotherapists in their mid-career who provide inspiration to colleagues by acting as role models for their profession.

Always willing to try new things; challenging the status quo and encouraging others to do the same, Leonore Saunders acquired the reputation of a “respected visionary”. Leonore, who was trained in England, arrived in Manitoba in 1949 and her significant contributions to the province and its citizens began.

She spearheaded the development of the School of Medical Rehabilitation (1949 - 1960) as well as chaired the committee which steered the Physiotherapy Act into law (1957). Holding various positions with the Manitoba Branch, she was the first Registering Secretary of the Association of Physiotherapists of Manitoba (1957-1962).

As Director at the St. Amant Development Centre (1969-1975), Leonore was at the forefront in setting up innovative treatment programs for children with mental and physical disabilities. In this area also she initiated the funding for orthopedic and prosthetic devices for physically handicapped children.

In addition to raising 5 children, Leonore earned her Physiotherapy Degree Completion in 1972. For several years she worked at Community Therapy Services and later, the Society for Manitobans with Disabilities. Her involvement with the Canadian Paraplegic Association led to the development of a guide for the handicapped.

She has been an excellent source of support for colleagues and a strong advocate for the profession as well as a clinical supervisor for students. Leonore has also served as President of the Manitoba Branch of the CPA, convened the first CPA National Congress in Winnipeg, and compiled a history of the local Branch and the steps leading to the formation of the School of Medical Rehabilitation.

In the wider Winnipeg community, Leonore has been tireless in her many and varied contributions, often assuming a board or executive role. This outstanding and sustained community involvement culminated in her being named to the 2002 Order of Manitoba. For more than 50 years, Leonore Saunders has excelled and achieved!

The Award:
The award is a framed recognition certificate, which will be presented at the Branch annual General Meeting.

The nominee must meet the following criteria:
1. Have been a licensed practicing physiotherapist for more than 5 years.
2. Be a member in good standing of CPA and the College of Physiotherapists of Manitoba.
3. Be recognized as a mentor for others by their contribution to the profession.
4. Have been a positive career influence.

Nominating Process:
1. The call for nominations will take place in September each year through an advertisement in the MPA newsletter “PhysioConnection”,  via the website and on social media platforms. The MPA must receive the application by January 31.
2. Anyone may make a nomination.
3. The nomination must be submitted on the electronic Nomination Form below.
4. A copy of the nominee’s resume or professional portfolio should be included with each nomination submission.
5. All nominations are confidential between the nominee, nominator and the Selection Committee.

Selection Process:

1. The Awards Committee will include two voting MPA Board members and three non-board member physiotherapists who are CPA members.

2. The Awards Committee (as per this Award’s guidelines) reviews nominations. Each nominee is considered only on the basis of the information provided. The Awards Committee will not request additional information. In the instance where candidates are considered equal in meeting the criteria, the Committee will review the rating scores beginning with a) and proceeding to b) and c). These variables may include contributions to allied groups or community participation.

3. A recommendation is made by the Awards Committee to the MPA Executive Committee or Board by the February meeting for formal approval.

4. The Awards Committee may recommend that the honour not be given in any one year.

Notification and Presentation:
The  MPA Awards Chair informs the successful nominee by March and invites him/her to attend the formal presentation to take place at the Annual General Meeting. Announcement of the successful nominee will appear in “PhysioConnection”, on the website and on social media platforms.

Nominators shall be notified of the outcome of the selection process. Unsuccessful nominators should be encouraged to re-submit in future years.

Nomination for the Leonore Saunders Mentorship Award



Is the nominee aware of the award?*


Requirements for nomination:

  1. Review the criteria for nomination.
  2. Rationale must be submitted electronically addressing the points listed in the Rating Scale:
  3. Include a copy of the nominee’s resume, professional portfolio, or curriculum vitae
  4. Up to 3 letters of support may be included.