Susan A. Macdonald Memorial Award

The award, established in memory of Susan A. Macdonald, may be given annually to a member of the Manitoba Physiotherapy Association (MPA). This award recognizes an individual who has made a significant contribution to the profession.

The award was created in 1995 following the untimely death of Susan Macdonald at the early age of 37. Susan was the President of the Manitoba Branch and the Director of Rehabilitation Services, St. Boniface General Hospital at the time of her death. She was a member of CPA's Board of Directors, served on the Executive Committee, and was chair of the Taskforce on Special Interests in the profession. Susan served as chair of the CPA Awards Committee and chair of the Manitoba Section of the Management Division (now called Leadership Division). She had been an active participant in the School of Medical Rehabilitation, the Association of Physiotherapists of Manitoba (now the College) and community health agencies.

Susan led by example, demonstrating strong commitment, integrity and professionalism. She was a role model and mentor for many of her colleagues. She encouraged and inspired therapists to pursue excellence in clinical care, research, education and administration.

In recognition and memory of Susan's leadership and accomplishments, the Manitoba Physiotherapy Association established the Susan A. Macdonald Memorial Award.

The Award:
This award is presented to an individual at the MPA Annual General Meeting. The personal award is a framed recognition certificate. The main award, a wall plaque, is housed at the St. Boniface General Hospital, Rehabilitation Department. Each award winner will have their name engraved on the plaque prior to the AGM. The plaque shall be displayed at the MPA Annual Meeting.

The nominee must meet the following criteria:

Only physiotherapists who are current members of the Manitoba Physiotherapy Association are eligible for this award. At the discretion of the Awards Committee, a previous CPA member who is now retired may be considered if he or she meets the criteria. No physiotherapist shall receive the award more than once.

The nominee will have influenced the growth of the profession in one or more of the following areas:
- clinical practice
- education
- research
- administration

The nominee will be regarded as a leader among his or her peers. The individual will have shown to have accomplished one or more of the following:

  • demonstrated innovation in developing new directions, challenges and goals for the profession
  • promoted and perpetuated excellence in the profession
  • demonstrated the ability to positively influence others towards higher levels of achievement and/or attainment of professional goals

The nominee will have some involvement in the activities of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association at the local, provincial, or national level (committees, interest groups, volunteer work, etc.)

Nominating Process:

1. The call for nominations will take place in September of each year through an advertisement in the MPA newsletter "PhysioConnection" and on social media platforms.  The close for nominations will be January 31 of each year.

2. Anyone may make a nomination. All nominations are confidential between the nominee, nominator(s) and the Awards Committee.

3. Nominations must include a summary of the nominee's professional and CPA activities, and rationale detailing how the contributions of the nominee have enhanced the profession, (according to the Nomination Form.)

Selection Process:
1. The Awards Committee will include two voting MPA Board members and three non-board member physiotherapists who are CPA members.

2. Nominations are reviewed by the Awards Committee (as per this Award’s guidelines.) Each nominee is considered on the basis of the information provided. The Awards committee will not request additional information. In the instance where candidates are considered equal in meeting the criteria, the committee may use its discretion in taking into account other variables in bestowing the award. These variables may be the candidate's years of contribution, national contributions or contributions to allied groups (including contributions to other allied health groups or related committees).

3. A recommendation is made by the Awards Committee to the MPA Executive Committee or Board for formal approval at the February meeting.

4. The Selection Committee may recommend that the honour not be made in a given year.

Notification and Presentation:
The MPA Awards Chair informs the successful nominee by March and invites him/her to attend the formal presentation to take place at the Annual General Meeting. Announcement of the successful applicant will appear in "PhysioConnection", on the website and on social media platforms.

Nominators shall be notified of the outcome of the selection process. Unsuccessful nominators should be encouraged to re-submit in future years.

Nomination for the Susan A. Macdonald Memorial Award



Is the nominee aware of the award?*


Requirements for Nomination:

  • Review the criteria for nomination.
  • Rationale must be submitted electronically addressing the points listed in the Rating Scale:
  • Include a copy of the nominee’s resume, professional portfolio, or curriculum vitae
  • Up to 3 letters of support may be included.